No More Monthly Fees! Become A VIP FULL ACCESS Member of The Singing Zone And You'll Get The New Exclusive Live Virtual Workshop For FREE!
Yes, Claim Your VIP Membership And You Get FULL ACCESS To The NEW Singing Zone, The NEW Sing With Freedom program, AND The Upcoming LIVE Voice And Performance Workshop in Jan/Feb 2023!
Offer expires January 11 - midnight US Pacific Time
You missed out!
Yes, Today You Get ALL Of This:

1 Year Full Access To ALL 14 NEW Modules In The Singing Zone!
No monthly fees! Full access to everything right away! Yes, ALL the 14 modules of new training videos, case studies, and more! (70 video sessions in total!)
PLUS you get the extra regular membership bonuses, such as Ear Training, Rhythm Training, Music Theory Training, the Q&A Video Vault, etc.
Value $934

Private Facebook Group For Members!
Engage with other members from all over the world. Get your questions answered by Per personally. Take part in live Q&A sessions. Watch past recorded sessions.
Value ???

LIVE 3-Week Virtual Voice And Performance Mastery - JAN/FEB 2023!
Submit a video of your singing/performance. Per will select as many as possible and give you feedback and homework for the following session. (It can be as valuable to learn from the feedback given to others, as it is from the feedback yourself.) All sessions will be recorded if you can’t attend live.
Value $297
3 Easy Payments of $247!
Email if you need assistance